अमर चित्र कथा अंग्रेजी >> कथासरितसागर की कहानियाँ कथासरितसागर की कहानियाँअनन्त पई
46 पाठक हैं |
कथासरित सागर अर्थात् कथाओं का सागर
The stories in this collection are from the Kathasaritasagara, or the ocean of the streams of stories.
It is an eleventh century Sanskrit classic by Somadeva, dazzling in its variety. Humour, Wit, Romance, Adventure and Myth all find their place here, often in the same tale. it tells stories of ordinary people, as well as of the making of kingdoms.
The Kathasaritasagara is said to be derived from a more ancient text, the Brihat, which is now lost.
It is an eleventh century Sanskrit classic by Somadeva, dazzling in its variety. Humour, Wit, Romance, Adventure and Myth all find their place here, often in the same tale. it tells stories of ordinary people, as well as of the making of kingdoms.
The Kathasaritasagara is said to be derived from a more ancient text, the Brihat, which is now lost.
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