अमर चित्र कथा अंग्रेजी >> ब्रेव वूमन ऑफ इण्डिया ब्रेव वूमन ऑफ इण्डियाअनन्त पई
42 पाठक हैं |
Brave Women of India
They are legends. Courageous, revolutionary, inspiring. Born in traditions that exalted womanhood but kept women from achieving their true potential, these women of India braved all odds to realize their dreams and ambitions. The Rani of Jhansi and Rani of Kittur
defied the British. Rani Abbakka challenged successfully the might of the Portuguese. Sultana Razia proved, in her brief reign, to be an excellent ruler and able administrator. And Kalpana Chawla actually touched the stars she reached for.
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