अमर चित्र कथा अंग्रेजी >> टेल्स ऑफ रिवोल्यूसनरीज टेल्स ऑफ रिवोल्यूसनरीजअनन्त पई
65 पाठक हैं |
Tales of Revolutionaries
The Indian freedom struggle had innumerable
heroes. Men and women for whom living with dignity was more important than life itself. Amar Chitra Katha tells the stories of some of these bravehearts.
Chandra Shekhar Azad, for whom freedom was a bright, Bagha Jatin, who fought to dispel the numbing fear of the British that gripped most Indians, Rash behari Bose, whose war cry ‘Jai Hind’ roused and oppressed people, and Deshbandhu Chitranjan Das, who dreamed, thought and talked of a free India.
It also traces the event that awakened an enslaved nation and gave it courage to fight the foreign yoke.
Chandra Shekhar Azad, for whom freedom was a bright, Bagha Jatin, who fought to dispel the numbing fear of the British that gripped most Indians, Rash behari Bose, whose war cry ‘Jai Hind’ roused and oppressed people, and Deshbandhu Chitranjan Das, who dreamed, thought and talked of a free India.
It also traces the event that awakened an enslaved nation and gave it courage to fight the foreign yoke.
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