लेख-निबंध >> Food For Thought Food For Thoughtअलका जैन
A compilation of Essays
The journey of literary and creative writing is an art with immense possibilities, and perhaps this is why the journey itself is more valuable than the destination. This compilation of opinions and essays is a testament to the power of the written word, offering a diverse range of perspectives on subjects that remind us of the beauty and complexity of the world we inhabit.
The essays and articles within this collection take the readers on a journey through the author's encounters and explorations, inviting us to ponder, empathize, and appreciate the diversity of human life.
The author has commented upon several themes ranging from human interactions in society to issues of equity and diversity in articles like "Being Special, and "Heart is for Hearing'. The article 'To Forests, With Love' depicts ecological consciousness as the answer to the problems of the world and is a foray into the wilderness in search of tranquility and peace. Her article "The Noblest Vows and the Worthiest Marriage!" delves into agriculture and technology and illuminates farmers' critical role in our society as stewards of the land and providers of sustenance. However, it also draws attention to the stark reality of rural youth migrating away from farms.
I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the author for her creativity, deep understanding, and willingness to share her ideas and thoughts with the world. This book is a testament to her passion for storytelling for social impact and the desire to connect with readers, especially the youth. I encourage the readers to begin their exploration of this literary landscape and hope that the author continues her creative journey.
Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh
Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University
Jhansi- 284003
Uttar Pradesh, BHARAT